Course Schedule
NARC will be offering two Basic courses this year - 21-23 March/4-6 April, and 19-21 September/03-05 October. If there is enough interest, we are looking at an Advanced course in early November. Please keep monitoring this page for updated details.
Register for one of these courses using this form linked right below. If you have already submitted a request for training, our Training Lead will be in touch with further details. We have limited seating at our facility so registration is based on a first come, first paid, first served basis.
Amateur Radio in Canada
To operate an Amateur Radio in Canada you must hold and Amateur Radio Operators Certificate. While some countries license Amateur Radio operators, in Canada it is a certification program regulated by the federal government, specifically Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (formerly Industry Canada). A step-by-step guide on becoming an Amateur can be found on their website at: Keep reading and we'll give you the basics. NARC offers Amateur Radio Operators Certificate training for both Basic and Advanced qualifications at various times throughout the year.
Amateur Radio Operator's Certificate
In Canada there are three (well, four) Amateur Radio Operators Certificate qualifications:
Basic (and Basic with Honours with a score of 80% on the exam)
Morse Code
Basic Qualification / Basic with Honours Qualification
Everyone must start with an Amateur Radio Operator Certificate with Basic Qualification. To earn your Amateur Radio Operators Certificate with Basic Qualification, you’ll need to pass a 100 question multiple choice exam covering such topics as radio operating practices, basic electrical theory, and the Radio communication regulations that apply to Amateur Radio. You must achieve a score of at least 70% to earn the Basic Qualification. This allows the use of VHF and UHF frequencies on the HAM bands above 30 MHz using all operating modes. A score of 80% or more will merit you the Basic Qualification with Honours qualification, which gives the holder operating privileges below 30 metres in addition to the privileges granted to Basic Qualification holders.
Advanced Qualification
To earn the Advanced Qualification, you must hold a Basic Qualification or Basic with Honours Qualification Amateur Radio Operators Certificate and obtain a score of 70% or more on a 50 question multiple choice exam covering electrical theory primarily related to the additional privileges granted to holders of the Advanced Qualification. Holders of an Amateur Radio Operators Certificate with Advances Qualifications has pretty much full capabilities bestowed on Amateur Radio operators through the governing legislation and regulation. This means holders can do things like:
Use of all Amateur Radio frequencies
Transmit using up to 1000 watts of power
Can build and set up equipment, sponsor a repeater
Use remote stations (like VE6LRN)
Morse Code Qualification
To qualify, you must pass the Morse Code exam with 5 words per minute or greater for the entry level. This allows the use of all frequencies assigned to CW (Continuous Wave). The American Radio Relay League has an excellent on-the-air CW practice with schedule here. As a NARC club member, we have 2 short wave (HF band) receivers which can be signed out for you to setup a HF receive station to study ARRL's code practice sessions. If you can't or don't want to setup a station, you can download the mp3 files for studying here.
Here are some great links like this presentation then CW training here and CW Academy
Take a Course
NARC offers both the Basic and Advanced courses at various times throughout the year depending on interest and instructor availability. Contact the training coordinator at: .
While a course manual is included with the courses we offer you can also order your own manual if going solo.
Resources to Pass Your Exam
If you have self-studied and think you are ready to take any of the exams, here are the suggested steps to follow to successfully pass:
Step 1a: For Basic, go to: for the online practice exam. You can also go to: and download a paper copy of a practice exam – ensure you download all three files.
Step 1b: For Advanced, go to: for the online practice exam. You can also go to: and download a paper copy of a practice exam – ensure you download all three files.
Step 2: Take one practice exam per day. Once you have passed 6 to 8 exams in a row, you are ready and have an excellent chance of passing the written exam. The recommended score to meet or beat on either exam is 80%.
Step 3: Book an exam date with one of our accredited ISED examiners by contacting us here. Other examiners are available too and the current list of locally available examiners in Alberta can be found here:$examiner.querylist. Or you can book an exam with a Government of Canada Radio Examiner.
Self Study Resources
The Cold Lake Amateur Radio Society (CLARS) offers video training on their web site.
Excellent smartphone apps are made by Radio Amateurs of Canada (RAC). Google Android has "Amateur Radio RAC Basic Exam". Yes, there is also an advanced one for once you pass your basic qualification. On the Apple App store, there is a similar one called Amateur Radio Exam Canada, which is partly free but seems better as it records your progress.
To find an Edmonton area examiner, go to the ISED Canada website. For locations, mix it up with Strathcona County, St. Albert, etc.$.startup
Past and Upcoming Training Events
Ongoing individual workshops for Digital FM modes (D-Star, Yaesu System Fusion, DMR) and other subjects are also being planned.
For any workshops, there will be no fee for NARC members and a nominal fee for non-members.
Anyone with interest in these learning workshops should submit a contact request directed towards training.
Also, if you are interested in offering a specialized training session or wish to be a club instructor, please contact to give us more details on what you want to do.